Earth Day for Kids

Earth Day for Kids

The Education & Libraries CSP put together 70 Earth Day Bracelet Kits and delivered them to several classes at St. Mary's School on Earth Day. An insert asked the children ways they use water, where water comes from and how they can save water and be Water Quality Stewards.continue reading →
Mystery Dinner

Mystery Dinner

Several club members signed up for a "mystery dinner" where they travelled to an unknown location (except for drivers) to enjoy dinner at a wonderful restaurant on Hess Lake.continue reading →
April 24th-GFWC Federation Day

April 24th-GFWC Federation Day

The City of Big Rapids proclaimed April 24, 2024, as GFWC Federation Day at their April 15th meeting. The club was recognized for all their efforts in volunteering and donating to make the community a better place. Pictured is President Linda Telfer and City of Big Rapids Manager Mark Gifford.continue reading →