Ready to plant…

Ready to plant…

The Environment CSP hosted speaker Frank Mondrella who spoke on various topics such as deer prevention, container gardening, alternative plants, and selecting plants. All members are eager to get into their yards and gardens after the April meeting. Club members were able to create a succulent garden to take home.continue reading →
Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers

Club members gathered to create 22 spring floral arrangements for special nursing home patients and area shut-ins. Above is Joyce Iltis, Joan Boroff, Sue Johnson, Ann Stellard and Linda Telfer.continue reading →
Holiday Arrangements

Holiday Arrangements

As a way to bring a little holiday cheer and brightness to homebound and nursing home residents, five members of GFWC Big Rapids along with a guest prepared floral arrangements. Utilizing recycled cups, vases, bottles and flowers, they prepared 17 Thanksgiving arrangements and 40 Christmas arrangements. The Thanksgiving arrangements were delivered to individuals at their homes and the Christmas arrangements will be delivered to three local nursing homes giving time for them to set in quarantine prior to being given to the residents. This is GFWC’s way of recycling items into something beautiful to brighten someone’s…continue reading →