The human body, mind, and spirit comprise our health and wellness. To improve our well being, we must address three key components: nutrition, disease prevention, and physical and emotional care. This Community Service Program aims to explore the various opportunities for awareness and advancement of each of these vital areas.
Chair: Karin McKean
Members: Sue Bean, Mary Bechaz, Ann Stellard, May Beth Vanderlist & Vickie Vogel
- Festival of Mitten Trees
- Heart Health Month
Wearing of the Red for February

Members attended the February meeting wearing red for Heart Health Month.
February 2024 – Heart Health Month by Learning Chair Yoga

A local yoga instructor attended the February meeting to teach chair yoga.
The Annual Mitten Tree Donation 2024

The annual Mitten Tree yielded 137 items. The hats, scarves and mittens/gloves were donated to the Angels of Action organization to distribute to area children in need.
Foster Child Suitcase Program – 2023

Twelve suitcases were delivered to the Department of Health and Human Service for the Foster Care Program on April 27th. Each suitcase was filled with a blanket, night light/flashlight, several books and a stuffed animal for the younger kids. The suitcases were labeled by gender and age range.
April Health & Wellness Walk

Three members (Vickie Vogel, Ann Stellard, & yes there is a Mary Beth Vanderlist) attended the monthly Health and Wellness walk on a cold April day. For some reason it doesn’t look cold where they are.
Northwestern District Get Together 2023

Mary Bechaz sharing her expertise on essential oils at the Northwestern District meeting on February 25.
February Club Meeting – Groove Dancing

The Health and Wellness Team organized a low impact Groove Dance class during the January meeting. All members had a smile on their face as they moved around the room to music.
Monthly Walk

Health and Wellness members on their monthly walk. All club members are encouraged to join them.
Mitten Tree 2022

The donation of mittens went to the Angels of Action organization again this year (2022).